Services Offered at ELANCO Chiropractic, Inc

Elanco's Own Dr. Gary Greve using the Pro-Adjuster with a client (Elanco : Ephrata, PA) The doctors of Ephrata's ELANCO Chiropractic are trained to use a revolutionary new treatment tool for spinal analysis called the Pro-Adjuster. Our clinic is the only one in Lancaster County with this new instrument. The NASA-inspired technology of the Pro-Adjuster, which is a breakthrough for the chiropractic profession, offers patients an objective analysis, consistent treatment, and indisputable results. This sophisticated new instrument, which has received FDA clearance, is able to help people who have been through a variety of other treatments to no avail. Individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors, can be treated effectively with this technology.
Manual Adjustment
Spinal joints that are "locked up", fixated or not moving right can affect your overall health by "choking" or irritating nearby nerve tissue. Chiropractic adjustments add motion to these areas. This helps restore nervous system integrity and can improve the healing process. There are may forms of hands-on adjustments. Sometimes the doctor's hand delivers a quick, highly accurate thrust. Other times a slow, constant pressure is used. The key to the adjustment is to use the precise amount of energy. At the exact spot. In the right direction. At just the right time, to get spinal joints moving again. Chiropractic adjustments are specific. Targeted. Focused.
Chiropractic Care : Ephrata, PATraction is designed to normalize the balance in the spine with regard to joint loading and muscular imbalance. Traction will assist the spinal adjustment in not only controlling your
pain but promoting and producing a lasting physical change to correct the underlying cause of your condition. The goal is to take pressure off of the discs and open up the disc space and the holes where the nerves come out.
Electric Stim
A combination of moist heat or ice is used in conjunction with electrical stimulation to increase tissue elasticity, blood flow, reduce muscle spasm, and reduce nerve irritation and pain relief. Cryotherapy (ice) is used to control inflammation, reduce pain and reduce muscle spasm. Hydrocollator therapy (moist heat) is designed to increase blood flow and increase tissue elasticity. These therapies assist with the spinal adjustment and have therapeutic benefits as well.
Ultrasound is a therapy that provides deep heating effects to the body tissue with ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound will reduce muscle spasm, Chiropractic Care : Lancaster County, PAdecrease pain, increase blood flow, and increase the range of motion.
Functional Capacity Evaluation
FCE provides objective documentation on workman's compensation, personal injury, and auto insurance accident victims.
Decompression Therapy
DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy is performed on a specially designed table in either a face up or face down position.
You will be comfortably positioned on the table and fitted with a wrap-around harness. This restraint is what allows the unloading of the spine and discs by the traction motor. Your position on the table, the harness, and angle of the gentle distraction allows for accurate and focused treatment to the affected disc. Once comfortable on the DTS, the computer-controlled traction device is programmed to deliver a gentle stretching force to the spinal vertebra. This force is delivered directly to the harness system. The DTS system applies the gentle force then releases it approximately every minute throughout the session. The total treatment time is usually less than 18 minutes and often just 10 minutes initially. Most patients report simply feeling a subtle and gentle stretching at their lower back or around their hips. Since DTS Therapy is a comfort-based procedure, patients usually report a sense of relief and relaxation during the session. Many patients even fall to sleep.
An orthotic is a supportive device, which is placed inside footwear to change the mechanical function of the foot. It works dynamically during weight-bearing activities like walking, running, and standing. Ideally, it should provide full, custom and corrected arch contact, so that the foot works in a biomechanically correct way. To date, only Sole Supports™ manufactures full arch contact orthotics. The reason is simple: they are more difficult to make because they must actually change the way your foot works and be comfortable at the same time. Other orthotics are either just cushions or give a more generic, insufficient arch support not customized to your foot. They may feel fine but, by failing to actually correct faulty foot mechanics, will not prevent the usual painful deformities or syndromes. To feel a true orthotic, stop my Lancaster's own Elanco Chiropractic for a custom fitting.
Anodyne emits infrared photo energy to increase circulation and temporarily reduce pain in the area to which it is applied. It has been designed to maximize the effectiveness of infrared photo energy by using highly efficient light emitting diodes (LEDs) placed in direct skin contact.
Even when other therapies fail, Anodyner Therapy succeeds. It's a FDA-cleared system that increases your circulation and reduces pain. As a result of increased circulation, many of our patients with diabetic neuropathy experience increased sensation and balance, reduced falls, and healing of diabetic ulcers.
That's why it's important for you to choose a care clinic that can provide Anodyne Therapy today. With your doctor's advice, you can even obtain an Anodyne Therapy home system.
You are a candidate for rehabilitation if you exhibit one or more of the following:
- Repeated episodes of the same or similar injury.
- Total health is not regained from spinal manipulation or other treatment.
- Injury exhibits a loss of range of motion that may become permanent.
- Injury exhibits a loss of strength that may become permanent.
- Structural anomalies that increase need for good soft tissue support.
Carefully exercising the injured joint under measured amount of stress is the best method of rehabilitating soft tissue around injured joints. Most rehabilitation programs work with patients to achieve better function and stability.
An exercise program may include in-office resistance training, at home Stabilizer exerciser and resistance training, and other "core" exercises. Regular and consistent home-based exercise is one of the keys to long-term relief. We have found through experience that the simple home-based exercises we prescribe are most effective. Introduction to the low-tech movement exercises you can do to speed the healing process are one of the most important parts of your wellness plan.
On-site X-Ray
High quality radiographs obtained with automatic exposure control.
ART - Active Release Technique®
Dr. Greve is also trained in a soft tissue treatment called Active Release Techniques (ART), which uses precise pressure by hand to soften and stretch tissue and take muscles from a shortened position, caused by repeated use, injury, or aging, to an elongated position. "The use of chiropractic, ART, and rehabilitation represents a win-win proposition for family physicians and medical specialists looking for ways to extend the healing benefits of chiropractic and rehabilitation to patients who want to achieve a higher level of health naturally," said Dr. Greve.
Learn more about Active Release Technique® at
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)
Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is multidisciplinary manual therapy treatment for patients with chronic pain that have not responded to traditional approaches. It is non-invasive, nonsurgical, and very affective. The procedure is used to improve articular and soft tissue movement using specifically controlled release, myofascial manipulation, and mobilization techniques while the patient is under moderate to deep IV sedation using monitorized anesthesia care (MAC).
This procedure is used by specially trained chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons as a means of breaking up scar tissue around a joint without complete range of motion. Patients with herniated discs, post surgical patients, and patients with hardware, frozen shoulders, any fibrotic or tight areas, and/or areas with scarring or adhesions can be considered for this procedure.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.
Massage therapy also improves functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems and may improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness. Massage involves movement of soft tissue and/or applying pressure to the body.
Nutritional Support
Metagenics a quality nutritional supplement, marketed through professional Chiropractors only. Through rigorous research and exploration the Metagenics product achieves new levels of excellence in nutritional product formulation backed by reputable scientific support. Each Metagenics formula represents the latest in nutritional science and is comprised of only the highest quality ingredients to support your health needs.
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
ELANCO Chiropractic, Inc.
1907 Division Highway
Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 355-5000